I have yet to hear In Rainbows so lets just get that out of the way up front. All we need is another blog posting about the new Radiohead album. Truth be told i'm chomping at the bit to hear it. I just have not had the time to get it downloaded.
I've been caught up in playoff baseball and The Red Sox quest to get back to the Series, not to say I haven't found time to check out the 2 new albums from Robert Pollard Coast to Coast Carpet of Love and Standard Gargoyle Decisions are equally impressive. They combine for 32 new Pollard tunes without a clunker in the bunch. He'll play just 2 shows in support of these releases and neither one is remotely close to our fair city so lets move on shall we.

I was recently checking out the Hood web site in hopes that there would be some update on when the band would be active again. Late last year the band announced that they would be going on sabatical for 2007. All I found was a few links to some side projects with no official Hood news. This led me to grab the 1999 EP Home is Where it Hurts. Hood might be the best band you've never heard or maybe you've forgotten how great they were. If you're looking for a starting point I would recomend 2001's Cold House. Here's hoping 2008 will be the return of Hood.