New (American) MusicThe fireworks have been acquired, the grills are ready to be lit, and the coolers are overflowing. However before I head out to enjoy this years Independence Day festivities I thought I'd take the opportunity to share some new tracks from some of Americas finest.
Spoon have just released their first recording since releasing
Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga back in 2007. This past Tuesday
Brit Daniel and Co. released
Got Nuffin, a three song single via
Merge. Be sure to check out the title track below and good luck not getting it stuck in your head for the next two days.
Spoon are set to play their own festival,
SpoonX3 in Austin as well as Merge's 20th anniversary festival,
XXMerge later this month.
[MP3] Spoon - Got Nuffinspoontheband
San Diego's,
The Black Heart Procession will deliver their new album on October 6th. The band will release
Six through their new label
Temporary Residence and return to the economical approach to naming albums. They released
Two, and
Three earlier in their career. Earlier this week the band posted the track
Rats and I have to say it sounds pretty great.
[MP3] The Black Heart Procession - RatsThe Black Heart Procession/myspace
I was taken by surprise earlier this week when
Matador announced the release of
The Reel Feel, the new release from
Pavement's Scott Kannberg and his first proper solo album under the
Spiral Stairs moniker. The album was recorded in Seattle and features his old band mates from
Preston School of Industry as well
Ian Moore,
Jon Aur (The Posies), and
Kevin Drew (Broken Social Scene).
The Reel Feel hits stores worldwide on October 20th.
Maltese Terrier was posted on the
Matador site earlier this week and it couldn't have come a better time. It's nice slab of summer pop goodness. Welcome back
[MP3]Spiral Stairs - Maltese Terrierspiralstairsmusic