I doubt that this will turn into a regular segment seeing how March does a fine job of dusting off his favorite music from the past over at FDF.
This post reveals a mistake and a rush to judgement on my part I hope this is the first and last installment.

Ever have a disc change yout mind?
It doesn't happen often but it's happened to me over the past couple of days with the Shins' Wincing the Night Away. When I first heard the album last year I chalked it up as a rehash of there first two albums with a couple of decent songs. I was underwhelmed to say the least until recently that is A few days ago I was on my way out the door and was tired of everyting I had been listening to lately, so I figured what the hell I'd give it another spin.
It sticks to the Shins formula sure but the songwritting is superb and its a worthy addition to the catalog alongside Oh Inverted World and the there high water mark Chutes Too Narrow.
The shins will wrap up touring for Wincing the Night Away with a few holiday shows including the KROQ Acoustic Cristmas show on December 7th.
1 comment:
I am in the process of giving the new Shellac some attention..still not there yet though..
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