The Fenway Recordings Sesssions #56-58/Elf Power Ticket Giveaway
The thing I miss most about my former life in radio is the free stuff. Does that make me shallow? I hope not. The bottom line is that everyone loves something for nothing, especially when the something is free tickets to a great show happening this weekend. Through the generosity of Phil at Fenway Recordings and Live Nation I am able to offer up the first ticket giveaway here at The Ash Gray Proclamation. I have two pair of tickets for this Sunday's session with Elf Power. If you're interested in grabbing these just send me an e-mail to ashgrayproclamation@yahoo.com. It will be a first come first serve policy this time around.
Here's the rundown on this weeks session as well as the other sessions they have planned this month. Sunday, April 6th 2008 - Sessions # 56 presents Elf Power and DJ Carbo, 9pm/18+/$12
Elf Power has a storied history as one of the founding bands of Athens, Georgia's Elephant 6 collective, whose alumni include Of Montreal and Neutral Milk Hotel. Formed in 1994, Elf Power's line-up of talented musicians has differed from album to album, but the band has managed to maintain a distinct style while remaining open to experimentation with their sound. Leader Andrew Rieger's otherworldly lyrical stances, the band's easy way with melody and an overall eclectic approach towards making music is evident on their ninth studio album In a Cave. The current line-up of Rieger, Jimmy Hughes, Derek Almstead, Eric Harris, Laura Carter and Heather McIntosh used a series of experimental recording processes and approaches to make In a Cave one of the most psychedelic Elf Power records in years.
Thursday, April 17th- Sessions #57 presents Jason Collett with Paddy Casey, DJ Carbo at Great Scott, 9pm/18+/$12
When Toronto singer-songwriter Jason Collett (of Broken Social Scene) was mulling over titles for his new album, Here's To Being Here, he stumbled across the line in an anthology of poetry by his friend Emily Haines' (BSS, Metric) late father Paul, a well-known avant-garde jazz poet. "I really love the simple sentiment of the title," says Collett. "I think of it as a toast, a raising of the glass to the notion of being present to the moment." Collett began writing to try to escape the boredom of the suburb of Bramalea where he grew up. He logged time in Toronto bands before going on to craft two full-length albums (1999's Chrome Reflections and 2001's Bitter Beauty). In 2003 he joined the Arts & Crafts family in 2003, and continued to pen songs with a poet's knack for reflection and a journalist's eye for detail.
Paddy Casey
Wednesday, April 30th Sessions #58 presents The Secret Machines and DJ Carbo, 9pm/18+/$15
The Secret Machines story begins in Dallas, where bassist/keyboardist/vocalist Brandon Curtis, his brother guitarist/vocalist Ben Curtis, and drummer Josh Garza spent some time in lesser-known experimental rock bands. Convinced they were destined for greater things, the trio head to Chicago where they recorded their first EP September 000, before continuing on to New York City. They moved into Brooklyn's Bushwick neighborhood in November of 2000, living in a one-room loft apartment with no hot water that doubled as their rehearsal space. Word began to spread about the band's fiery live performances and the buzz led to a record deal with Reprise, which released Now Here Is Nowhere in 2004. Secret Machines produced there new album themselves, as they did Now Here Is Nowhere, booking itself into Allaire, a secluded recording studio on a mountaintop in scenic Shokan, New York, and worked, ate, and slept there for three weeks in May and two weeks in July. "Producing ourselves, we came away with the essential nature of preserving the sanctity of the vibe of a recording studio," Brandon says. "When you're doing it yourself, you have to be responsible for dictating the feeling you want." In September, the band traveled to London to mix the album with legendary engineer/producer Alan Moulder.
Great Scott is located at 1222 Comm. Ave in Allston, MA.
Upcoming Sessions:
Thursday, May 1st 2008 Sunday, The Silver State, Johnny Lloyd Rollins, DJ Carbo at Great Scott
Monday, May 19th 2008 - The Long Blondes with Drug Rug, DJ Carbo at Great Scott
Saturday, May 31st 2008- Jeremy Enigk with Damien Jurado DJ Carbo at Great Scott
Thursday, June 5th 2008- Adam Green with DJ Carbo at Great Scott
Sunday, June 8th 2008- Lightspeed Champion with Flowers Forever, DJ Carbo at Great Scott
Thanks again to the good kids at Fenway Recordings.
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