Robert Pollard - From A Compound Eye (2006)
From now until the end of December The AGP will feature our favorite albums of the decade. Each week we will feature posts highlighting our favorite albums of the 00's. We will even have a few contributions from the AGP's extended family. We invite your comments, we want to know why you agree with us or perhaps why you think we're off our collective rockers.
We hope you'll join us as we take a look back at the albums that shaped the past 3,653 days our lives.

From A Compound Eye is the double album that he had been threatening us with for several years. The 26 tracks found on the album are a mix of new compositions and a handful of unreleased tracks. Pollard described the album as "Massive...epic..It's all over the place and sees in all directions at once." That's a pretty fair description, the album has it all. From the GBVesque guitar pop of I'm A Widow to the skewed folk of Fresh Threats,Salad Shooters,and Zip Guns to the prog-rock of Conquerer of The Moon, to the noisy sound collage of Kensington Cradle. From A Compound Eye features a revitalized Robert Pollard delivering a monumental rock record.
From A Compound Eye still sounds as fresh, experimental, and fascinating as it did when it was released. It's no accident that I waited till New Year's Eve to feature it. It's hard for me to write about Bob and contain my total fandom of everything Pollard, So I'll try to temper my enthusiasm. From A Compound Eye is Robert Pollard exhibiting his tremendous gift for song craft, experimentalism, and the almighty pop hook. A flawless record that rivals Pollard's best work and an absolute joy to listen to.
Buy From A Compound Eye at the Merge Store